BQ274XX fuel gauge sensor


This sample application retrieves all the fuel gauge parameters:

  • Voltage, in volts

  • Average current, in amps

  • Standby current, in amps

  • Maximum load current, in amps

  • Gauge temperature

  • State of charge measurement in percentage

  • Full Charge Capacity in mAh

  • Remaining Charge Capacity in mAh

  • Nominal Available Capacity in mAh

  • Full Available Capacity in mAh

  • Average power in mW

  • State of health measurement in percentage

from BQ274XX sensor and prints this information to the UART console.


Building and Running

Build this sample using the following commands:

# From the root of the zephyr repository
west build -b innblue22/nrf9160 samples/sensor/bq274xx
west flash


See also

Sensor Interface