These samples demonstrate basic functionality of the Zephyr kernel.
- Basic thread manipulationSpawn multiple threads that blink LEDs and print information to the console.
- BlinkyBlink an LED forever using the GPIO API.
- ButtonHandle GPIO inputs with interrupts.
- Fade LEDFade an LED using the PWM API.
- GPIO with custom Devicetree bindingUse custom Devicetree binding to control a GPIO.
- Minimal footprintMeasure Zephyr's minimal ROM footprint in different configurations.
- PWM BlinkyBlink an LED using the PWM API.
- PWM RGB LEDDrive an RGB LED using the PWM API.
- ServomotorDrive a servomotor using the PWM API.
- System hashmapInsert, replace, and remove entries in a hashmap.
- System heapPrint system heap usage to the console.