Linkable loadable extensions “module” sample

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This sample demonstrates the use of the Linkable Loadable Extensions (LLEXT) subsystem in Zephyr. The llext subsystem allows for the loading of relocatable ELF files at runtime; their symbols can be accessed and functions called.

Specifically, this shows how to call a simple “hello world” function, implemented in samples/subsys/llext/modules/src/hello_world_ext.c. This is achieved in two different ways, depending on the value of the Kconfig symbol CONFIG_HELLO_WORLD_MODE:


A board with a supported llext architecture and console. This can also be executed in QEMU emulation on the qemu_xtensa or qemu_cortex_r5 virtual boards.

Building and running

  • By default, the sample will compile the function along with the rest of Zephyr in the same binary. This can be verified via the following commands:

    west build -b qemu_xtensa/dc233c samples/subsys/llext/modules
    west build -t run
  • The following commands build and run the sample so that the extension code is compiled separately and included in the Zephyr image as a binary blob:

    west build -b qemu_xtensa/dc233c -T sample.llext.modules.module_build samples/subsys/llext/modules
    west build -t run


    Take a look at samples/subsys/llext/modules/sample.yaml for the additional architecture-specific configurations required in this case.

To build for a different board, replace qemu_xtensa in the commands above with the desired board name.

See also

Linkable loadable extensions