MCTP Host Sample

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Sets up an MCTP node that sends a request on a UART targeting a particular MCTP endpoint id with the message “hello”. Expects and waits for a response to this “hello” message containing “world”.


A board and SoC that provide access to a UART and a driver that implements the UART async API.


The UART pins should be wired to a board which will run the MCTP endpoint sample such that this board’s UART tx pin connects to the endpoint board’s rx pin, and this board’s UART rx pin connects to the endpoint board’s tx pin. The boards’ grounds should also be wired together.

Optionally a logic analyzer can be wired up and listening to the UART to inspect the data flowing.

Building and Running

west build -b nrf52840_nrf52840dk samples/modules/mctp/mctp_host
west build -t run


MCTP Base Specification 2019