void | k_thread_foreach (k_thread_user_cb_t user_cb, void *user_data) |
| Iterate over all the threads in the system.
void | k_thread_foreach_filter_by_cpu (unsigned int cpu, k_thread_user_cb_t user_cb, void *user_data) |
| Iterate over all the threads in running on specified cpu.
void | k_thread_foreach_unlocked (k_thread_user_cb_t user_cb, void *user_data) |
| Iterate over all the threads in the system without locking.
void | k_thread_foreach_unlocked_filter_by_cpu (unsigned int cpu, k_thread_user_cb_t user_cb, void *user_data) |
| Iterate over the threads in running on current cpu without locking.
k_thread_stack_t * | k_thread_stack_alloc (size_t size, int flags) |
| Dynamically allocate a thread stack.
int | k_thread_stack_free (k_thread_stack_t *stack) |
| Free a dynamically allocated thread stack.
k_tid_t | k_thread_create (struct k_thread *new_thread, k_thread_stack_t *stack, size_t stack_size, k_thread_entry_t entry, void *p1, void *p2, void *p3, int prio, uint32_t options, k_timeout_t delay) |
| Create a thread.
FUNC_NORETURN void | k_thread_user_mode_enter (k_thread_entry_t entry, void *p1, void *p2, void *p3) |
| Drop a thread's privileges permanently to user mode.
static void | k_thread_heap_assign (struct k_thread *thread, struct k_heap *heap) |
| Assign a resource memory pool to a thread.
int | k_thread_join (struct k_thread *thread, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Sleep until a thread exits.
int32_t | k_sleep (k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Put the current thread to sleep.
static int32_t | k_msleep (int32_t ms) |
| Put the current thread to sleep.
int32_t | k_usleep (int32_t us) |
| Put the current thread to sleep with microsecond resolution.
void | k_busy_wait (uint32_t usec_to_wait) |
| Cause the current thread to busy wait.
bool | k_can_yield (void) |
| Check whether it is possible to yield in the current context.
void | k_yield (void) |
| Yield the current thread.
void | k_wakeup (k_tid_t thread) |
| Wake up a sleeping thread.
__attribute_const__ k_tid_t | k_sched_current_thread_query (void) |
| Query thread ID of the current thread.
static __attribute_const__ k_tid_t | k_current_get (void) |
| Get thread ID of the current thread.
void | k_thread_abort (k_tid_t thread) |
| Abort a thread.
k_ticks_t | k_thread_timeout_expires_ticks (const struct k_thread *thread) |
| Get time when a thread wakes up, in system ticks.
k_ticks_t | k_thread_timeout_remaining_ticks (const struct k_thread *thread) |
| Get time remaining before a thread wakes up, in system ticks.
int | k_thread_priority_get (k_tid_t thread) |
| Get a thread's priority.
void | k_thread_priority_set (k_tid_t thread, int prio) |
| Set a thread's priority.
void | k_thread_deadline_set (k_tid_t thread, int deadline) |
| Set deadline expiration time for scheduler.
void | k_reschedule (void) |
| Invoke the scheduler.
int | k_thread_cpu_mask_clear (k_tid_t thread) |
| Sets all CPU enable masks to zero.
int | k_thread_cpu_mask_enable_all (k_tid_t thread) |
| Sets all CPU enable masks to one.
int | k_thread_cpu_mask_enable (k_tid_t thread, int cpu) |
| Enable thread to run on specified CPU.
int | k_thread_cpu_mask_disable (k_tid_t thread, int cpu) |
| Prevent thread to run on specified CPU.
int | k_thread_cpu_pin (k_tid_t thread, int cpu) |
| Pin a thread to a CPU.
void | k_thread_suspend (k_tid_t thread) |
| Suspend a thread.
void | k_thread_resume (k_tid_t thread) |
| Resume a suspended thread.
static void | k_thread_start (k_tid_t thread) |
| Start an inactive thread.
void | k_sched_time_slice_set (int32_t slice, int prio) |
| Set time-slicing period and scope.
void | k_thread_time_slice_set (struct k_thread *th, int32_t slice_ticks, k_thread_timeslice_fn_t expired, void *data) |
| Set thread time slice.
bool | k_is_in_isr (void) |
| Determine if code is running at interrupt level.
int | k_is_preempt_thread (void) |
| Determine if code is running in a preemptible thread.
static bool | k_is_pre_kernel (void) |
| Test whether startup is in the before-main-task phase.
void | k_sched_lock (void) |
| Lock the scheduler.
void | k_sched_unlock (void) |
| Unlock the scheduler.
void | k_thread_custom_data_set (void *value) |
| Set current thread's custom data.
void * | k_thread_custom_data_get (void) |
| Get current thread's custom data.
int | k_thread_name_set (k_tid_t thread, const char *str) |
| Set current thread name.
const char * | k_thread_name_get (k_tid_t thread) |
| Get thread name.
int | k_thread_name_copy (k_tid_t thread, char *buf, size_t size) |
| Copy the thread name into a supplied buffer.
const char * | k_thread_state_str (k_tid_t thread_id, char *buf, size_t buf_size) |
| Get thread state string.
void | k_timer_init (struct k_timer *timer, k_timer_expiry_t expiry_fn, k_timer_stop_t stop_fn) |
| Initialize a timer.
void | k_timer_start (struct k_timer *timer, k_timeout_t duration, k_timeout_t period) |
| Start a timer.
void | k_timer_stop (struct k_timer *timer) |
| Stop a timer.
uint32_t | k_timer_status_get (struct k_timer *timer) |
| Read timer status.
uint32_t | k_timer_status_sync (struct k_timer *timer) |
| Synchronize thread to timer expiration.
k_ticks_t | k_timer_expires_ticks (const struct k_timer *timer) |
| Get next expiration time of a timer, in system ticks.
k_ticks_t | k_timer_remaining_ticks (const struct k_timer *timer) |
| Get time remaining before a timer next expires, in system ticks.
static uint32_t | k_timer_remaining_get (struct k_timer *timer) |
| Get time remaining before a timer next expires.
void | k_timer_user_data_set (struct k_timer *timer, void *user_data) |
| Associate user-specific data with a timer.
void * | k_timer_user_data_get (const struct k_timer *timer) |
| Retrieve the user-specific data from a timer.
int64_t | k_uptime_ticks (void) |
| Get system uptime, in system ticks.
static int64_t | k_uptime_get (void) |
| Get system uptime.
static uint32_t | k_uptime_get_32 (void) |
| Get system uptime (32-bit version).
static uint32_t | k_uptime_seconds (void) |
| Get system uptime in seconds.
static int64_t | k_uptime_delta (int64_t *reftime) |
| Get elapsed time.
static uint32_t | k_cycle_get_32 (void) |
| Read the hardware clock.
static uint64_t | k_cycle_get_64 (void) |
| Read the 64-bit hardware clock.
void | k_queue_init (struct k_queue *queue) |
| Initialize a queue.
void | k_queue_cancel_wait (struct k_queue *queue) |
| Cancel waiting on a queue.
void | k_queue_append (struct k_queue *queue, void *data) |
| Append an element to the end of a queue.
int32_t | k_queue_alloc_append (struct k_queue *queue, void *data) |
| Append an element to a queue.
void | k_queue_prepend (struct k_queue *queue, void *data) |
| Prepend an element to a queue.
int32_t | k_queue_alloc_prepend (struct k_queue *queue, void *data) |
| Prepend an element to a queue.
void | k_queue_insert (struct k_queue *queue, void *prev, void *data) |
| Inserts an element to a queue.
int | k_queue_append_list (struct k_queue *queue, void *head, void *tail) |
| Atomically append a list of elements to a queue.
int | k_queue_merge_slist (struct k_queue *queue, sys_slist_t *list) |
| Atomically add a list of elements to a queue.
void * | k_queue_get (struct k_queue *queue, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Get an element from a queue.
bool | k_queue_remove (struct k_queue *queue, void *data) |
| Remove an element from a queue.
bool | k_queue_unique_append (struct k_queue *queue, void *data) |
| Append an element to a queue only if it's not present already.
int | k_queue_is_empty (struct k_queue *queue) |
| Query a queue to see if it has data available.
void * | k_queue_peek_head (struct k_queue *queue) |
| Peek element at the head of queue.
void * | k_queue_peek_tail (struct k_queue *queue) |
| Peek element at the tail of queue.
int | k_futex_wait (struct k_futex *futex, int expected, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Pend the current thread on a futex.
int | k_futex_wake (struct k_futex *futex, bool wake_all) |
| Wake one/all threads pending on a futex.
void | k_event_init (struct k_event *event) |
| Initialize an event object.
uint32_t | k_event_post (struct k_event *event, uint32_t events) |
| Post one or more events to an event object.
uint32_t | k_event_set (struct k_event *event, uint32_t events) |
| Set the events in an event object.
uint32_t | k_event_set_masked (struct k_event *event, uint32_t events, uint32_t events_mask) |
| Set or clear the events in an event object.
uint32_t | k_event_clear (struct k_event *event, uint32_t events) |
| Clear the events in an event object.
uint32_t | k_event_wait (struct k_event *event, uint32_t events, bool reset, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Wait for any of the specified events.
uint32_t | k_event_wait_all (struct k_event *event, uint32_t events, bool reset, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Wait for all of the specified events.
static uint32_t | k_event_test (struct k_event *event, uint32_t events_mask) |
| Test the events currently tracked in the event object.
void | k_stack_init (struct k_stack *stack, stack_data_t *buffer, uint32_t num_entries) |
| Initialize a stack.
int32_t | k_stack_alloc_init (struct k_stack *stack, uint32_t num_entries) |
| Initialize a stack.
int | k_stack_cleanup (struct k_stack *stack) |
| Release a stack's allocated buffer.
int | k_stack_push (struct k_stack *stack, stack_data_t data) |
| Push an element onto a stack.
int | k_stack_pop (struct k_stack *stack, stack_data_t *data, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Pop an element from a stack.
int | k_mutex_init (struct k_mutex *mutex) |
| Initialize a mutex.
int | k_mutex_lock (struct k_mutex *mutex, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Lock a mutex.
int | k_mutex_unlock (struct k_mutex *mutex) |
| Unlock a mutex.
int | k_condvar_init (struct k_condvar *condvar) |
| Initialize a condition variable.
int | k_condvar_signal (struct k_condvar *condvar) |
| Signals one thread that is pending on the condition variable.
int | k_condvar_broadcast (struct k_condvar *condvar) |
| Unblock all threads that are pending on the condition variable.
int | k_condvar_wait (struct k_condvar *condvar, struct k_mutex *mutex, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Waits on the condition variable releasing the mutex lock.
int | k_sem_init (struct k_sem *sem, unsigned int initial_count, unsigned int limit) |
| Initialize a semaphore.
int | k_sem_take (struct k_sem *sem, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Take a semaphore.
void | k_sem_give (struct k_sem *sem) |
| Give a semaphore.
void | k_sem_reset (struct k_sem *sem) |
| Resets a semaphore's count to zero.
unsigned int | k_sem_count_get (struct k_sem *sem) |
| Get a semaphore's count.
void | k_work_init (struct k_work *work, k_work_handler_t handler) |
| Initialize a (non-delayable) work structure.
int | k_work_busy_get (const struct k_work *work) |
| Busy state flags from the work item.
static bool | k_work_is_pending (const struct k_work *work) |
| Test whether a work item is currently pending.
int | k_work_submit_to_queue (struct k_work_q *queue, struct k_work *work) |
| Submit a work item to a queue.
int | k_work_submit (struct k_work *work) |
| Submit a work item to the system queue.
bool | k_work_flush (struct k_work *work, struct k_work_sync *sync) |
| Wait for last-submitted instance to complete.
int | k_work_cancel (struct k_work *work) |
| Cancel a work item.
bool | k_work_cancel_sync (struct k_work *work, struct k_work_sync *sync) |
| Cancel a work item and wait for it to complete.
void | k_work_queue_init (struct k_work_q *queue) |
| Initialize a work queue structure.
void | k_work_queue_start (struct k_work_q *queue, k_thread_stack_t *stack, size_t stack_size, int prio, const struct k_work_queue_config *cfg) |
| Initialize a work queue.
static k_tid_t | k_work_queue_thread_get (struct k_work_q *queue) |
| Access the thread that animates a work queue.
int | k_work_queue_drain (struct k_work_q *queue, bool plug) |
| Wait until the work queue has drained, optionally plugging it.
int | k_work_queue_unplug (struct k_work_q *queue) |
| Release a work queue to accept new submissions.
int | k_work_queue_stop (struct k_work_q *queue, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Stop a work queue.
void | k_work_init_delayable (struct k_work_delayable *dwork, k_work_handler_t handler) |
| Initialize a delayable work structure.
static struct k_work_delayable * | k_work_delayable_from_work (struct k_work *work) |
| Get the parent delayable work structure from a work pointer.
int | k_work_delayable_busy_get (const struct k_work_delayable *dwork) |
| Busy state flags from the delayable work item.
static bool | k_work_delayable_is_pending (const struct k_work_delayable *dwork) |
| Test whether a delayed work item is currently pending.
static k_ticks_t | k_work_delayable_expires_get (const struct k_work_delayable *dwork) |
| Get the absolute tick count at which a scheduled delayable work will be submitted.
static k_ticks_t | k_work_delayable_remaining_get (const struct k_work_delayable *dwork) |
| Get the number of ticks until a scheduled delayable work will be submitted.
int | k_work_schedule_for_queue (struct k_work_q *queue, struct k_work_delayable *dwork, k_timeout_t delay) |
| Submit an idle work item to a queue after a delay.
int | k_work_schedule (struct k_work_delayable *dwork, k_timeout_t delay) |
| Submit an idle work item to the system work queue after a delay.
int | k_work_reschedule_for_queue (struct k_work_q *queue, struct k_work_delayable *dwork, k_timeout_t delay) |
| Reschedule a work item to a queue after a delay.
int | k_work_reschedule (struct k_work_delayable *dwork, k_timeout_t delay) |
| Reschedule a work item to the system work queue after a delay.
bool | k_work_flush_delayable (struct k_work_delayable *dwork, struct k_work_sync *sync) |
| Flush delayable work.
int | k_work_cancel_delayable (struct k_work_delayable *dwork) |
| Cancel delayable work.
bool | k_work_cancel_delayable_sync (struct k_work_delayable *dwork, struct k_work_sync *sync) |
| Cancel delayable work and wait.
static void | k_work_user_init (struct k_work_user *work, k_work_user_handler_t handler) |
| Initialize a userspace work item.
static bool | k_work_user_is_pending (struct k_work_user *work) |
| Check if a userspace work item is pending.
static int | k_work_user_submit_to_queue (struct k_work_user_q *work_q, struct k_work_user *work) |
| Submit a work item to a user mode workqueue.
void | k_work_user_queue_start (struct k_work_user_q *work_q, k_thread_stack_t *stack, size_t stack_size, int prio, const char *name) |
| Start a workqueue in user mode.
static k_tid_t | k_work_user_queue_thread_get (struct k_work_user_q *work_q) |
| Access the user mode thread that animates a work queue.
void | k_work_poll_init (struct k_work_poll *work, k_work_handler_t handler) |
| Initialize a triggered work item.
int | k_work_poll_submit_to_queue (struct k_work_q *work_q, struct k_work_poll *work, struct k_poll_event *events, int num_events, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Submit a triggered work item.
int | k_work_poll_submit (struct k_work_poll *work, struct k_poll_event *events, int num_events, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Submit a triggered work item to the system workqueue.
int | k_work_poll_cancel (struct k_work_poll *work) |
| Cancel a triggered work item.
void | k_msgq_init (struct k_msgq *msgq, char *buffer, size_t msg_size, uint32_t max_msgs) |
| Initialize a message queue.
int | k_msgq_alloc_init (struct k_msgq *msgq, size_t msg_size, uint32_t max_msgs) |
| Initialize a message queue.
int | k_msgq_cleanup (struct k_msgq *msgq) |
| Release allocated buffer for a queue.
int | k_msgq_put (struct k_msgq *msgq, const void *data, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Send a message to a message queue.
int | k_msgq_get (struct k_msgq *msgq, void *data, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Receive a message from a message queue.
int | k_msgq_peek (struct k_msgq *msgq, void *data) |
| Peek/read a message from a message queue.
int | k_msgq_peek_at (struct k_msgq *msgq, void *data, uint32_t idx) |
| Peek/read a message from a message queue at the specified index.
void | k_msgq_purge (struct k_msgq *msgq) |
| Purge a message queue.
uint32_t | k_msgq_num_free_get (struct k_msgq *msgq) |
| Get the amount of free space in a message queue.
void | k_msgq_get_attrs (struct k_msgq *msgq, struct k_msgq_attrs *attrs) |
| Get basic attributes of a message queue.
uint32_t | k_msgq_num_used_get (struct k_msgq *msgq) |
| Get the number of messages in a message queue.
void | k_mbox_init (struct k_mbox *mbox) |
| Initialize a mailbox.
int | k_mbox_put (struct k_mbox *mbox, struct k_mbox_msg *tx_msg, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Send a mailbox message in a synchronous manner.
void | k_mbox_async_put (struct k_mbox *mbox, struct k_mbox_msg *tx_msg, struct k_sem *sem) |
| Send a mailbox message in an asynchronous manner.
int | k_mbox_get (struct k_mbox *mbox, struct k_mbox_msg *rx_msg, void *buffer, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Receive a mailbox message.
void | k_mbox_data_get (struct k_mbox_msg *rx_msg, void *buffer) |
| Retrieve mailbox message data into a buffer.
void | k_pipe_init (struct k_pipe *pipe, uint8_t *buffer, size_t buffer_size) |
| initialize a pipe
int | k_pipe_write (struct k_pipe *pipe, const uint8_t *data, size_t len, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Write data to a pipe.
int | k_pipe_read (struct k_pipe *pipe, uint8_t *data, size_t len, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Read data from a pipe This routine reads up to len bytes of data from pipe.
void | k_pipe_reset (struct k_pipe *pipe) |
| Reset a pipe This routine resets the pipe, discarding any unread data and unblocking any threads waiting to write or read, causing the waiting threads to return with -ECANCELED.
void | k_pipe_close (struct k_pipe *pipe) |
| Close a pipe.
int | k_mem_slab_init (struct k_mem_slab *slab, void *buffer, size_t block_size, uint32_t num_blocks) |
| Initialize a memory slab.
int | k_mem_slab_alloc (struct k_mem_slab *slab, void **mem, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Allocate memory from a memory slab.
void | k_mem_slab_free (struct k_mem_slab *slab, void *mem) |
| Free memory allocated from a memory slab.
static uint32_t | k_mem_slab_num_used_get (struct k_mem_slab *slab) |
| Get the number of used blocks in a memory slab.
static uint32_t | k_mem_slab_max_used_get (struct k_mem_slab *slab) |
| Get the number of maximum used blocks so far in a memory slab.
static uint32_t | k_mem_slab_num_free_get (struct k_mem_slab *slab) |
| Get the number of unused blocks in a memory slab.
int | k_mem_slab_runtime_stats_get (struct k_mem_slab *slab, struct sys_memory_stats *stats) |
| Get the memory stats for a memory slab.
int | k_mem_slab_runtime_stats_reset_max (struct k_mem_slab *slab) |
| Reset the maximum memory usage for a slab.
void | k_heap_init (struct k_heap *h, void *mem, size_t bytes) |
| Initialize a k_heap.
void * | k_heap_aligned_alloc (struct k_heap *h, size_t align, size_t bytes, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Allocate aligned memory from a k_heap.
void * | k_heap_alloc (struct k_heap *h, size_t bytes, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Allocate memory from a k_heap.
void * | k_heap_calloc (struct k_heap *h, size_t num, size_t size, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Allocate and initialize memory for an array of objects from a k_heap.
void * | k_heap_realloc (struct k_heap *h, void *ptr, size_t bytes, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Reallocate memory from a k_heap.
void | k_heap_free (struct k_heap *h, void *mem) |
| Free memory allocated by k_heap_alloc()
void * | k_aligned_alloc (size_t align, size_t size) |
| Allocate memory from the heap with a specified alignment.
void * | k_malloc (size_t size) |
| Allocate memory from the heap.
void | k_free (void *ptr) |
| Free memory allocated from heap.
void * | k_calloc (size_t nmemb, size_t size) |
| Allocate memory from heap, array style.
void * | k_realloc (void *ptr, size_t size) |
| Expand the size of an existing allocation.
void | k_poll_event_init (struct k_poll_event *event, uint32_t type, int mode, void *obj) |
| Initialize one struct k_poll_event instance.
int | k_poll (struct k_poll_event *events, int num_events, k_timeout_t timeout) |
| Wait for one or many of multiple poll events to occur.
void | k_poll_signal_init (struct k_poll_signal *sig) |
| Initialize a poll signal object.
void | k_poll_signal_reset (struct k_poll_signal *sig) |
| Reset a poll signal object's state to unsignaled.
void | k_poll_signal_check (struct k_poll_signal *sig, unsigned int *signaled, int *result) |
| Fetch the signaled state and result value of a poll signal.
int | k_poll_signal_raise (struct k_poll_signal *sig, int result) |
| Signal a poll signal object.
static void | k_cpu_idle (void) |
| Make the CPU idle.
static void | k_cpu_atomic_idle (unsigned int key) |
| Make the CPU idle in an atomic fashion.
int | k_float_disable (struct k_thread *thread) |
| Disable preservation of floating point context information.
int | k_float_enable (struct k_thread *thread, unsigned int options) |
| Enable preservation of floating point context information.
int | k_thread_runtime_stats_get (k_tid_t thread, k_thread_runtime_stats_t *stats) |
| Get the runtime statistics of a thread.
int | k_thread_runtime_stats_all_get (k_thread_runtime_stats_t *stats) |
| Get the runtime statistics of all threads.
int | k_thread_runtime_stats_cpu_get (int cpu, k_thread_runtime_stats_t *stats) |
| Get the runtime statistics of all threads on specified cpu.
int | k_thread_runtime_stats_enable (k_tid_t thread) |
| Enable gathering of runtime statistics for specified thread.
int | k_thread_runtime_stats_disable (k_tid_t thread) |
| Disable gathering of runtime statistics for specified thread.
void | k_sys_runtime_stats_enable (void) |
| Enable gathering of system runtime statistics.
void | k_sys_runtime_stats_disable (void) |
| Disable gathering of system runtime statistics.