45#if defined(CONFIG_BT_VCP_VOL_REND)
55#if defined(CONFIG_BT_VCP_VOL_REND)
79#define BT_VCP_STATE_UNMUTED 0x00
81#define BT_VCP_STATE_MUTED 0x01
85struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr;
289 void (*
struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr,
int err,
uint8_t volume,
334 void (*
struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr,
int err);
345 void (*
struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr,
int err);
356 void (*
struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr,
int err);
367 void (*
struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr,
int err);
400 void (*
struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr,
int err);
453 struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr **vol_ctlr);
481 struct bt_conn **conn);
Bluetooth Audio Input Control Service APIs.
Bluetooth connection handling.
int bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_vol_down(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr)
Turn the volume down one step on a remote Volume Renderer.
int bt_vcp_vol_rend_mute(void)
Mute the server.
struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr * bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_get_by_conn(const struct bt_conn *conn)
Get the volume controller from a connection pointer.
int bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_mute(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr)
Mute a remote Volume Renderer.
int bt_vcp_vol_rend_included_get(struct bt_vcp_included *included)
Get Volume Control Service included services.
int bt_vcp_vol_rend_get_flags(void)
Get the Volume Control Service flags.
int bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_unmute_vol_down(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr)
Turn the volume down one step and unmute on a remote Volume Renderer.
int bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_unmute_vol_up(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr)
Turn the volume up one step and unmute on a remote Volume Renderer.
int bt_vcp_vol_rend_unmute(void)
Unmute the server.
int bt_vcp_vol_rend_unmute_vol_down(void)
Turn the volume down and unmute the server.
int bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_unmute(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr)
Unmute a remote Volume Renderer.
int bt_vcp_vol_rend_set_step(uint8_t volume_step)
Set the Volume Control Service volume step size.
Defines the maximum number of Audio Input Control service instances for the Volume Control Profile Vo...
Definition vcp.h:58
int bt_vcp_vol_rend_set_vol(uint8_t volume)
Set the volume on the server.
int bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_read_state(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr)
Read the volume state of a remote Volume Renderer.
int bt_vcp_vol_rend_vol_up(void)
Turn the volume up by one step on the server.
int bt_vcp_vol_rend_register(struct bt_vcp_vol_rend_register_param *param)
Register the Volume Control Service.
int bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_cb_register(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_cb *cb)
Registers the callbacks used by the Volume Controller.
int bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_vol_up(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr)
Turn the volume up one step on a remote Volume Renderer.
int bt_vcp_vol_rend_get_state(void)
Get the Volume Control Service volume state.
int bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_set_vol(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr, uint8_t volume)
Set the absolute volume on a remote Volume Renderer.
int bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_included_get(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr, struct bt_vcp_included *included)
Get Volume Control Service included services.
int bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_conn_get(const struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr, struct bt_conn **conn)
Get the connection pointer of a client instance.
int bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_discover(struct bt_conn *conn, struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr **vol_ctlr)
Discover Volume Control Service and included services.
int bt_vcp_vol_rend_unmute_vol_up(void)
Turn the volume up and unmute the server.
int bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_cb_unregister(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_cb *cb)
Unregisters the callbacks used by the Volume Controller.
Defines the maximum number of Volume Offset Control service instances for the Volume Control Profile ...
Definition vcp.h:48
int bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_read_flags(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr)
Read the volume flags of a remote Volume Renderer.
int bt_vcp_vol_rend_vol_down(void)
Turn the volume down by one step on the server.
struct _snode sys_snode_t
Single-linked list node structure.
Definition slist.h:39
Definition parser.h:97
Definition parser_state.h:29
__UINT8_TYPE__ uint8_t
Definition stdint.h:88
Struct to hold callbacks for the Audio Input Control Service.
Definition aics.h:327
Structure for initializing a Audio Input Control Service instance.
Definition aics.h:132
Volume Control Service included services.
Definition vcp.h:115
struct bt_vocs ** vocs
Array of pointers to Volume Offset Control Service instances.
Definition vcp.h:119
struct bt_aics ** aics
Array of pointers to Audio Input Control Service instances.
Definition vcp.h:124
uint8_t vocs_cnt
Number of Volume Offset Control Service instances.
Definition vcp.h:117
uint8_t aics_cnt
Number of Audio Input Control Service instances.
Definition vcp.h:122
Struct to hold the Volume Controller callbacks.
Definition vcp.h:275
struct bt_aics_cb aics_cb
Audio Input Control Service callbacks.
Definition vcp.h:406
void(* flags)(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr, int err, uint8_t flags)
Callback function for Volume Control Profile volume flags.
Definition vcp.h:307
void(* unmute)(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr, int err)
Callback function for bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_unmute().
Definition vcp.h:367
void(* vol_down_unmute)(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr, int err)
Callback function for bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_vol_down_unmute().
Definition vcp.h:378
void(* mute)(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr, int err)
Callback function for bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_mute().
Definition vcp.h:356
void(* vol_set)(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr, int err)
Callback function for bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_vol_set().
Definition vcp.h:400
void(* vol_down)(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr, int err)
Callback function for bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_vol_down().
Definition vcp.h:334
void(* discover)(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr, int err, uint8_t vocs_count, uint8_t aics_count)
Callback function for bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_discover().
Definition vcp.h:322
void(* vol_up)(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr, int err)
Callback function for bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_vol_up().
Definition vcp.h:345
void(* vol_up_unmute)(struct bt_vcp_vol_ctlr *vol_ctlr, int err)
Callback function for bt_vcp_vol_ctlr_vol_up_unmute().
Definition vcp.h:389
struct bt_vocs_cb vocs_cb
Volume Offset Control Service callbacks.
Definition vcp.h:403
Struct to hold the Volume Renderer callbacks.
Definition vcp.h:158
void(* flags)(struct bt_conn *conn, int err, uint8_t flags)
Callback function for Volume Control Service flags.
Definition vcp.h:188
Register structure for Volume Control Service.
Definition vcp.h:88
uint8_t step
Initial step size (1-255)
Definition vcp.h:90
struct bt_aics_register_param aics_param[0]
Register parameters for Audio Input Control Services.
Definition vcp.h:102
struct bt_vocs_register_param vocs_param[0]
Register parameters for Volume Offset Control Services.
Definition vcp.h:99
uint8_t volume
Initial volume level (0-255)
Definition vcp.h:96
uint8_t mute
Initial mute state (0-1)
Definition vcp.h:93
struct bt_vcp_vol_rend_cb * cb
Volume Control Service callback structure.
Definition vcp.h:105
Struct to hold the Volume Offset Control Service callbacks.
Definition vocs.h:221
Structure for registering a Volume Offset Control Service instance.
Definition vocs.h:73
Bluetooth Volume Offset Control Service (VOCS) APIs.