27#include <openthread/instance.h>
46struct openthread_context {
63 struct pkt_list_elem pkt_list[CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_PKT_LIST_SIZE];
197#define OPENTHREAD_L2_CTX_TYPE struct openthread_context
int openthread_api_mutex_try_lock(struct openthread_context *ot_context)
Try to lock internal mutex before accessing OT API.
void openthread_api_mutex_unlock(struct openthread_context *ot_context)
Unlock internal mutex after accessing OT API.
void openthread_api_mutex_lock(struct openthread_context *ot_context)
Lock internal mutex before accessing OT API.
int openthread_state_changed_cb_register(struct openthread_context *ot_context, struct openthread_state_changed_cb *cb)
Registers callbacks which will be called when certain configuration or state changes occur within Ope...
int openthread_start(struct openthread_context *ot_context)
Starts the OpenThread network.
struct otInstance * openthread_get_default_instance(void)
Get pointer to default OpenThread instance.
int openthread_state_changed_cb_unregister(struct openthread_context *ot_context, struct openthread_state_changed_cb *cb)
Unregisters OpenThread configuration or state changed callbacks.
k_tid_t openthread_thread_id_get(void)
Get OpenThread thread identification.
struct openthread_context * openthread_get_default_context(void)
Get pointer to default OpenThread context.
struct _slist sys_slist_t
Single-linked list structure.
Definition slist.h:49
struct _snode sys_snode_t
Single-linked list node structure.
Definition slist.h:39
Public API for network interface.
Definition parser.h:97
__UINT8_TYPE__ uint8_t
Definition stdint.h:88
__UINT16_TYPE__ uint16_t
Definition stdint.h:89
Mutex Structure.
Definition kernel.h:3026
Thread Structure.
Definition thread.h:261
A structure used to hold work until it can be processed.
Definition kernel.h:4159
A structure used to submit work.
Definition kernel.h:4007
Network Interface structure.
Definition net_if.h:714
Network packet.
Definition net_pkt.h:91
OpenThread state change callback
Definition openthread.h:91
sys_snode_t node
Internally used field for list handling.
Definition openthread.h:110
void(* state_changed_cb)(otChangedFlags flags, struct openthread_context *ot_context, void *user_data)
Callback for notifying configuration or state changes.
Definition openthread.h:100
void * user_data
User data if required.
Definition openthread.h:104