51struct bt_cap_broadcast_source;
72 struct bt_csip_set_member_svc_inst **svc_inst);
76#if defined(CONFIG_BT_BAP_UNICAST_CLIENT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
91 struct bt_conn *conn,
int err,
137 void (*broadcast_started)(
struct bt_cap_broadcast_source *source);
145 void (*broadcast_stopped)(
struct bt_cap_broadcast_source *source,
uint8_t reason);
266 struct bt_bap_ep *
503#if defined(CONFIG_BT_ISO_TEST_PARAMS) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
549 struct bt_cap_broadcast_source **broadcast_source);
571 struct bt_le_ext_adv *adv);
587 const uint8_t meta[],
size_t meta_len);
685 struct bt_cap_broadcast_source **source);
729 struct bt_bap_unicast_group **unicast_group);
750#if defined(CONFIG_BT_VCP_VOL_CTLR) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
775#if defined(CONFIG_BT_VCP_VOL_CTLR_VOCS) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
789#if defined(CONFIG_BT_MICP_MIC_CTLR) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
801#if defined(CONFIG_BT_MICP_MIC_CTLR_AICS) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
816#if defined(CONFIG_BT_BAP_BROADCAST_ASSISTANT) || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
Bluetooth device address definitions and utilities.
Header for Bluetooth BAP.
Bluetooth Audio handling.
Bluetooth subsystem core APIs.
Bluetooth connection handling.
Bluetooth Coordinated Set Identification Profile (CSIP) APIs.
Definition bap.h:47
int bt_cap_commander_discover(struct bt_conn *conn)
Discovers audio support on a remote device.
int bt_cap_commander_change_microphone_mute_state(const struct bt_cap_commander_change_microphone_mute_state_param *param)
Change the microphone mute state on one or more Common Audio Profile Acceptors.
int bt_cap_stream_send_ts(struct bt_cap_stream *stream, struct net_buf *buf, uint16_t seq_num, uint32_t ts)
Send data to Common Audio Profile stream with timestamp.
int bt_cap_commander_broadcast_reception_start(const struct bt_cap_commander_broadcast_reception_start_param *param)
Starts the reception of broadcast audio on one or more remote Common Audio Profile Acceptors.
int bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_audio_start(struct bt_cap_broadcast_source *broadcast_source, struct bt_le_ext_adv *adv)
Start Common Audio Profile broadcast source.
int bt_cap_stream_send(struct bt_cap_stream *stream, struct net_buf *buf, uint16_t seq_num)
Send data to Common Audio Profile stream without timestamp.
int bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_to_unicast(const struct bt_cap_broadcast_to_unicast_param *param, struct bt_bap_unicast_group **unicast_group)
Hands over the data streams in a broadcast source to a unicast group.
int bt_cap_commander_unregister_cb(const struct bt_cap_commander_cb *cb)
Unregister Common Audio Profile Commander callbacks.
int bt_cap_initiator_register_cb(const struct bt_cap_initiator_cb *cb)
Register Common Audio Profile Initiator callbacks.
int bt_cap_initiator_unicast_to_broadcast(const struct bt_cap_unicast_to_broadcast_param *param, struct bt_cap_broadcast_source **source)
Hands over the data streams in a unicast group to a broadcast source.
int bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_get_base(struct bt_cap_broadcast_source *broadcast_source, struct net_buf_simple *base_buf)
Get the Broadcast Audio Stream Endpoint of a Common Audio Profile broadcast source.
int bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_audio_create(const struct bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_create_param *param, struct bt_cap_broadcast_source **broadcast_source)
Create a Common Audio Profile broadcast source.
int bt_cap_commander_cancel(void)
Cancel any current Common Audio Profile commander procedure.
int bt_cap_stream_get_tx_sync(struct bt_cap_stream *stream, struct bt_iso_tx_info *info)
Get ISO transmission timing info for a Common Audio Profile stream.
int bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_audio_update(struct bt_cap_broadcast_source *broadcast_source, const uint8_t meta[], size_t meta_len)
Update broadcast audio streams for a Common Audio Profile broadcast source.
int bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_update(const struct bt_cap_unicast_audio_update_param *param)
Update unicast audio streams.
int bt_cap_commander_change_microphone_gain_setting(const struct bt_cap_commander_change_microphone_gain_setting_param *param)
Change the microphone gain setting on one or more Common Audio Profile Acceptors.
int bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_cancel(void)
Cancel any current Common Audio Profile procedure.
int bt_cap_initiator_unregister_cb(const struct bt_cap_initiator_cb *cb)
Unregister Common Audio Profile Initiator callbacks.
int bt_cap_commander_register_cb(const struct bt_cap_commander_cb *cb)
Register Common Audio Profile Commander callbacks.
int bt_cap_initiator_unicast_discover(struct bt_conn *conn)
Discovers audio support on a remote device.
int bt_cap_commander_broadcast_reception_stop(const struct bt_cap_commander_broadcast_reception_stop_param *param)
Stops the reception of broadcast audio on one or more remote Common Audio Profile Acceptors.
int bt_cap_commander_change_volume_mute_state(const struct bt_cap_commander_change_volume_mute_state_param *param)
Change the volume mute state on one or more Common Audio Profile Acceptors.
void bt_cap_stream_ops_register(struct bt_cap_stream *stream, struct bt_bap_stream_ops *ops)
Register Audio operations for a Common Audio Profile stream.
int bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_audio_delete(struct bt_cap_broadcast_source *broadcast_source)
Delete Common Audio Profile broadcast source.
Type of CAP set.
Definition cap.h:165
int bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_start(const struct bt_cap_unicast_audio_start_param *param)
Setup and start unicast audio streams for a set of devices.
int bt_cap_commander_change_volume_offset(const struct bt_cap_commander_change_volume_offset_param *param)
Change the volume offset on one or more Common Audio Profile Acceptors.
int bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_audio_stop(struct bt_cap_broadcast_source *broadcast_source)
Stop broadcast audio streams for a Common Audio Profile broadcast source.
int bt_cap_commander_distribute_broadcast_code(const struct bt_cap_commander_distribute_broadcast_code_param *param)
Distributes the broadcast code on one or more remote Common Audio Profile Acceptors.
int bt_cap_acceptor_register(const struct bt_csip_set_member_register_param *param, struct bt_csip_set_member_svc_inst **svc_inst)
Register the Common Audio Service.
int bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_stop(const struct bt_cap_unicast_audio_stop_param *param)
Stop unicast audio streams.
int bt_cap_commander_change_volume(const struct bt_cap_commander_change_volume_param *param)
Change the volume on one or more Common Audio Profile Acceptors.
The set is a CSIP Coordinated Set.
Definition cap.h:169
The set is an ad-hoc set.
Definition cap.h:167
Broadcast code size.
Definition iso.h:132
__UINT32_TYPE__ uint32_t
Definition stdint.h:90
__UINT8_TYPE__ uint8_t
Definition stdint.h:88
__UINT16_TYPE__ uint16_t
Definition stdint.h:89
__INT8_TYPE__ int8_t
Definition stdint.h:72
__INT16_TYPE__ int16_t
Definition stdint.h:73
Bluetooth LE Device Address.
Definition addr.h:49
Codec specific configuration structure.
Definition audio.h:718
Struct to hold subgroup specific information for the receive state.
Definition bap.h:546
QoS configuration structure.
Definition bap.h:137
Stream operation.
Definition bap.h:790
Basic Audio Profile stream structure.
Definition bap.h:749
Parameters for bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_to_unicast()
Definition cap.h:688
union bt_cap_set_member ** members
Coordinated or ad-hoc set members.
Definition cap.h:709
enum bt_cap_set_type type
The type of the set.
Definition cap.h:697
size_t count
The number of set members in members.
Definition cap.h:706
struct bt_cap_broadcast_source * broadcast_source
The source broadcast source with the streams.
Definition cap.h:694
Parameters part of bt_cap_commander_broadcast_reception_start_param for bt_cap_commander_broadcast_re...
Definition cap.h:923
size_t num_subgroups
Number of subgroups.
Definition cap.h:951
uint16_t pa_interval
Periodic advertising interval in milliseconds.
Definition cap.h:938
struct bt_bap_bass_subgroup subgroups[BT_BAP_BASS_MAX_SUBGROUPS]
Pointer to array of subgroups.
Definition cap.h:948
uint32_t broadcast_id
24-bit broadcast ID
Definition cap.h:941
bt_addr_le_t addr
Address of the advertiser.
Definition cap.h:928
union bt_cap_set_member member
Coordinated or ad-hoc set member.
Definition cap.h:925
uint8_t adv_sid
SID of the advertising set.
Definition cap.h:931
Parameters for starting broadcast reception
Definition cap.h:955
struct bt_cap_commander_broadcast_reception_start_member_param * param
The set of devices for this procedure.
Definition cap.h:960
size_t count
The number of parameters in param.
Definition cap.h:963
enum bt_cap_set_type type
The type of the set.
Definition cap.h:957
Parameters for stopping broadcast reception
Definition cap.h:978
uint8_t src_id
Source ID of the receive state.
Definition cap.h:983
union bt_cap_set_member member
Coordinated or ad-hoc set member.
Definition cap.h:980
size_t num_subgroups
Number of subgroups.
Definition cap.h:986
enum bt_cap_set_type type
The type of the set.
Definition cap.h:991
struct bt_cap_commander_broadcast_reception_stop_member_param * param
The set of devices for this procedure.
Definition cap.h:994
size_t count
The number of parameters in param.
Definition cap.h:997
Callback structure for CAP procedures.
Definition cap.h:732
void(* broadcast_reception_start)(struct bt_conn *conn, int err)
Callback for bt_cap_commander_broadcast_reception_start().
Definition cap.h:827
void(* microphone_gain_changed)(struct bt_conn *conn, int err)
Callback for bt_cap_commander_change_microphone_gain_setting().
Definition cap.h:812
void(* broadcast_reception_stop)(struct bt_conn *conn, int err)
Callback for bt_cap_commander_broadcast_reception_stop().
Definition cap.h:838
void(* volume_changed)(struct bt_conn *conn, int err)
Callback for bt_cap_commander_change_volume().
Definition cap.h:761
void(* volume_offset_changed)(struct bt_conn *conn, int err)
Callback for bt_cap_commander_change_volume_offset().
Definition cap.h:786
void(* distribute_broadcast_code)(struct bt_conn *conn, int err)
Callback for bt_cap_commander_distribute_broadcast_code().
Definition cap.h:849
void(* microphone_mute_changed)(struct bt_conn *conn, int err)
Callback for bt_cap_commander_change_microphone_mute_state().
Definition cap.h:800
void(* volume_mute_changed)(struct bt_conn *conn, int err)
Callback for bt_cap_commander_change_volume_mute_state().
Definition cap.h:773
void(* discovery_complete)(struct bt_conn *conn, int err, const struct bt_csip_set_coordinator_set_member *member, const struct bt_csip_set_coordinator_csis_inst *csis_inst)
Callback for bt_cap_initiator_unicast_discover().
Definition cap.h:746
Parameters part of bt_cap_commander_change_microphone_gain_setting_param for bt_cap_commander_change_...
Definition cap.h:1178
union bt_cap_set_member member
Coordinated or ad-hoc set member.
Definition cap.h:1180
int8_t gain
The microphone gain setting to set.
Definition cap.h:1183
Parameters for changing microphone mute state.
Definition cap.h:1187
enum bt_cap_set_type type
The type of the set.
Definition cap.h:1189
struct bt_cap_commander_change_microphone_gain_setting_member_param * param
The set of devices for this procedure.
Definition cap.h:1192
size_t count
The number of parameters in param.
Definition cap.h:1195
Parameters for changing microphone mute state.
Definition cap.h:1146
bool mute
The microphone mute state to set.
Definition cap.h:1161
size_t count
The number of members in members.
Definition cap.h:1154
union bt_cap_set_member * members
Coordinated or ad-hoc set member.
Definition cap.h:1151
enum bt_cap_set_type type
The type of the set.
Definition cap.h:1148
Parameters for changing volume mute state.
Definition cap.h:1117
size_t count
The number of members in members.
Definition cap.h:1125
bool mute
The volume mute state to set.
Definition cap.h:1132
enum bt_cap_set_type type
The type of the set.
Definition cap.h:1119
union bt_cap_set_member * members
Coordinated or ad-hoc set member.
Definition cap.h:1122
Parameters part of bt_cap_commander_change_volume_offset_param for bt_cap_commander_change_volume_off...
Definition cap.h:1082
int16_t offset
The offset to set.
Definition cap.h:1091
union bt_cap_set_member member
Coordinated or ad-hoc set member.
Definition cap.h:1084
Parameters for changing volume offset.
Definition cap.h:1095
struct bt_cap_commander_change_volume_offset_member_param * param
The set of devices for this procedure.
Definition cap.h:1100
enum bt_cap_set_type type
The type of the set.
Definition cap.h:1097
size_t count
The number of parameters in param.
Definition cap.h:1103
Parameters for changing absolute volume
Definition cap.h:1055
size_t count
The number of members in members.
Definition cap.h:1063
union bt_cap_set_member * members
Coordinated or ad-hoc set member.
Definition cap.h:1060
enum bt_cap_set_type type
The type of the set.
Definition cap.h:1057
uint8_t volume
The absolute volume to set.
Definition cap.h:1066
Parameters for distributing broadcast code.
Definition cap.h:1012
union bt_cap_set_member member
Coordinated or ad-hoc set member.
Definition cap.h:1014
uint8_t src_id
Source ID of the receive state.
Definition cap.h:1017
struct bt_cap_commander_distribute_broadcast_code_member_param * param
The set of devices for this procedure.
Definition cap.h:1025
size_t count
The number of parameters in param.
Definition cap.h:1028
enum bt_cap_set_type type
The type of the set.
Definition cap.h:1022
uint8_t broadcast_code[BT_ISO_BROADCAST_CODE_SIZE]
16-octet broadcast code.
Definition cap.h:1040
Parameters for * bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_audio_create()
Definition cap.h:467
uint8_t pto
Pre-transmission offset.
Definition cap.h:520
struct bt_bap_qos_cfg * qos
Quality of Service configuration.
Definition cap.h:475
struct bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_subgroup_param * subgroup_params
Array of stream parameters.
Definition cap.h:472
bool encryption
Whether or not to encrypt the streams.
Definition cap.h:487
uint8_t irc
Immediate Repetition Count.
Definition cap.h:511
uint16_t iso_interval
ISO interval.
Definition cap.h:529
uint8_t broadcast_code[BT_ISO_BROADCAST_CODE_SIZE]
16-octet broadcast code.
Definition cap.h:501
uint8_t packing
Broadcast Source packing mode.
Definition cap.h:484
size_t subgroup_count
The number of parameters in subgroup_params.
Definition cap.h:469
Parameters part of bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_subgroup_param for bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_audio_cre...
Definition cap.h:437
uint8_t * data
BIS Codec Specific Configuration.
Definition cap.h:448
struct bt_cap_stream * stream
Audio stream.
Definition cap.h:439
size_t data_len
The length of the p data array.
Definition cap.h:445
Parameters part of bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_create_param for bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_audio_creat...
Definition cap.h:455
struct bt_cap_initiator_broadcast_stream_param * stream_params
Array of stream parameters.
Definition cap.h:460
size_t stream_count
The number of parameters in stream_params.
Definition cap.h:457
struct bt_audio_codec_cfg * codec_cfg
Subgroup Codec configuration.
Definition cap.h:463
Callback structure for CAP procedures.
Definition cap.h:75
void(* unicast_stop_complete)(int err, struct bt_conn *conn)
Callback for bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_stop().
Definition cap.h:129
void(* unicast_discovery_complete)(struct bt_conn *conn, int err, const struct bt_csip_set_coordinator_set_member *member, const struct bt_csip_set_coordinator_csis_inst *csis_inst)
Callback for bt_cap_initiator_unicast_discover().
Definition cap.h:90
void(* unicast_update_complete)(int err, struct bt_conn *conn)
Callback for bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_update().
Definition cap.h:117
void(* unicast_start_complete)(int err, struct bt_conn *conn)
Callback for bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_start().
Definition cap.h:105
Common Audio Profile stream structure.
Definition cap.h:187
struct bt_bap_stream_ops * ops
Audio stream operations.
Definition cap.h:192
struct bt_bap_stream bap_stream
The underlying BAP audio stream.
Definition cap.h:189
Parameters for the bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_start() function.
Definition cap.h:282
enum bt_cap_set_type type
The type of the set.
Definition cap.h:284
size_t count
The number of parameters in stream_params.
Definition cap.h:287
struct bt_cap_unicast_audio_start_stream_param * stream_params
Array of stream parameters.
Definition cap.h:290
Stream specific parameters for the bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_start() function.
Definition cap.h:258
struct bt_cap_stream * stream
Stream for the member.
Definition cap.h:263
struct bt_audio_codec_cfg * codec_cfg
Codec configuration.
Definition cap.h:278
union bt_cap_set_member member
Coordinated or ad-hoc set member.
Definition cap.h:260
struct bt_bap_ep * ep
Endpoint reference for the stream.
Definition cap.h:266
Parameters for the bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_stop() function.
Definition cap.h:322
size_t count
The number of streams in streams.
Definition cap.h:327
bool release
Whether to release the streams after they have stopped.
Definition cap.h:333
enum bt_cap_set_type type
The type of the set.
Definition cap.h:324
struct bt_cap_stream ** streams
Array of streams to stop.
Definition cap.h:330
Parameters for the bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_update() function.
Definition cap.h:310
struct bt_cap_unicast_audio_update_stream_param * stream_params
Array of stream parameters.
Definition cap.h:318
enum bt_cap_set_type type
The type of the set.
Definition cap.h:312
size_t count
The number of parameters in stream_params.
Definition cap.h:315
Stream specific parameters for the bt_cap_initiator_unicast_audio_update() function.
Definition cap.h:294
size_t meta_len
The length of meta.
Definition cap.h:299
struct bt_cap_stream * stream
Stream to update.
Definition cap.h:296
uint8_t * meta
The new metadata.
Definition cap.h:306
Parameters for bt_cap_initiator_unicast_to_broadcast()
Definition cap.h:641
struct bt_bap_unicast_group * unicast_group
The source unicast group with the streams.
Definition cap.h:643
uint8_t broadcast_code[BT_ISO_BROADCAST_CODE_SIZE]
16-octet broadcast code.
Definition cap.h:665
bool encrypt
Whether or not to encrypt the streams.
Definition cap.h:651
Struct representing a coordinated set instance on a remote device.
Definition csip.h:301
Struct representing a remote device as a set member.
Definition csip.h:310
Register structure for Coordinated Set Identification Service.
Definition csip.h:133
ISO Meta Data structure for transmitted ISO packets.
Definition iso.h:353
Simple network buffer representation.
Definition net_buf.h:89
Network buffer representation.
Definition net_buf.h:1006
Represents a Common Audio Set member that are either in a Coordinated or ad-hoc set.
Definition cap.h:173
struct bt_conn * member
Connection pointer if the type is BT_CAP_SET_TYPE_AD_HOC.
Definition cap.h:175
struct bt_csip_set_coordinator_csis_inst * csip
CSIP Coordinated Set struct used if type is BT_CAP_SET_TYPE_CSIP.
Definition cap.h:178